Engineering jobs in Australia through General Skilled Migration
One of the main paths to working in Australia is through the General Skilled Migration (GSM) scheme. Applicants must demonstrate that their skills meet the criteria of the GSM Skilled Occupation List (SOL). Among the occupations currently on the list are:
- Structural engineer
- Mining engineer
- Agricultural engineer
- Petroleum engineer
Applicants can no longer gain points towards GSM through the Migration Occupations in Demand (MODL) list. Since 2010 this scheme has been replaced by targeted strategies for filling priority vacancies in the Australian labour market. To find out whether you meet the criteria for oil rig jobs in Australia, take the Global Visas free assessment.
Engineering Jobs through State-Sponsored Employment
GSM applicants can also be nominated for jobs in engineering by a State or Territory government under individual State Migration plans.
- A separate part of the SOL covers occupations such as:
- Civil and electronic engineering technician
- Gas or petroleum operator
- Production manager (mining)
If you’re looking for mining jobs in Australia, individual States set out their own selection criteria. In Queensland, for example, the Eligible Skills List requires engineering professionals to have:
An Australian Bachelor Degree in the relevant branch of engineering, or the equivalent overseas qualification
Proof of registration, Between 4-7 years’ experience Global Visas can provide you with up-to-date information on which Australian States are currently recruiting in the engineering sector.
To find out more about opportunities to work in Australia, take our free online assessment. Many people viewed our Construction jobs in Australia section for further advice.
Employer-sponsored Engineering Jobs in Australia
GSM is limited to applicants under the age of 45, but temporary or permanent engineering vacancies may be open through sponsorship by an Australian or overseas company. If you’re looking for aviation jobs in Australia, the Employer Nomination Scheme Occupation List (ENSOL) includes aircraft maintenance engineering. As with GSM, all applicants must undergo skills assessment with the relevant assessment body for their profession.
Engineering jobs in Australia through Global Visas:
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