General information

If you are not yet 18 at the time you leave for France and you will be studying at a college level, you need to complete the Campus France application process, but you will need to apply for a student visa for minors. Please check your local consulate’s official website for details.

If you are a U.S. citizen or legal resident over the age of 18 and planning to pursue an academic project at a French higher education institution for a period longer than three months, you must first complete the Campus France application process and then apply for a student visa.

Note: Your visa appointment at a French consulate must take place no more than 90 days before your departure to France.

The basic sequence of events for getting a visa for study in France is: Campus France assigns you to the French consulate closest to your permanent address. 

Completing the Campus France online application process and the visa application process are the two distinct steps you need to take before departing for France. You should be sure to complete your Campus France application (through the online pastel system) as early as possible so that you have enough time to apply for and receive a visa. 

After you have created your Campus France account in PASTEL and have filled out the personal information section, you will be automatically assigned to the French consulate closest to the mailing address that you entered into the PASTEL system. Note: This should be your permanent address, whether it is your parents’ residence or your current school address.
